My Experience with RITUAL: Release + Renew

My Experience with RITUAL Release + Renew

It was an incredible experience that exceeded my expectations, even though I participated in previous events.  The guidance is spot on and really aids in helping me find purpose and intention in my life.”  - RITUAL: Release + Renew Participant

I first participated in RITUAL: Release + Renew back in June and I really wasn’t sure exactly expect but it seemed up my alley! After the 90-minute guided reflection, it immediately became something that I know I’ll carve time out for whenever they take place.

Life comes at you fast, and these 90 minutes were such a wonderful opportunity to take a breath, reflect on what had been happening in the past few months, process that, and then set intentions for the coming months. 

As a loud and proud introvert, well more like, quiet and proud, I was a little nervous about reflecting in a social, albeit virtual, setting but I was completely at ease once I joined the Zoom. Like Malika said, there were no break-out rooms and the chat was not lit. Most people had their cameras off and any participants' conversation that was had was in the chat box but there was absolutely no pressure to do anything but reflect quietly by yourself. 

You may be wondering exactly what goes down during this reflection so I’ll set the scene for you. I chose to have my experience in the comfort of my own bed so I created a cozy nest of pillows and blankets and propped my laptop up at the end of the bed. I brewed myself a warm mug of green tea and gathered my journal, different color pens, highlighters, and stickers. The cool part about RITUAL is you can really participate, however, wherever is most comfortable to you. 

When the Zoom started Malika walked us through what we would be doing and then began the reflection portion. She gave us prompts, which were also displayed on the screen, to help us look back and process the past couple of months. After each prompt we had time to write or think while soft, relaxing music played. The second half of the session is dedicated to setting intentions for months to come through different prompts and meditations. 

Going into the workshop I had been feeling a little frazzled and burnt out with lots of big changes and transitions happening in my life. At the conclusion of the event, I truly felt refreshed and clear-minded. It had given me time to feel grateful and proud for what I had been doing and excited about what was coming and how I would be able to handle it. 

RITUAL: Release + Renew will benefit anyone and everyone. Life can get stressful and we all owe ourselves a little quiet time for reflection every now and then! 

Here’s what some other RITUAL: Release + Renew participants had to say:

I loved having this space to set big picture intentions and assess/process the last several months!”

...As a high achiever, I'm used to the go-go-go action-taking energy! And I definitely observe intentionally, celebrate highs, and evaluate lows along the way, but it's rare that I sit and reflect on what actually took place over an entire half year span. It was more difficult than I thought it would be, and quite illuminating. I will most certainly add this event in as a regular part of my year and high performance process moving forward.

Sign up for a spot at the next RITUAL: Release + Renew in December.


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